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Returning for a new adventure...

Fresh from saving the Earth, Pands and Seb
are sent into space on a galactic mission.


The book is now available to purchase from our publisher Highfield Products.



The Story


The ZombieGerm books are all about providing a positive safety message for kids, however, in a fun way so they will not even know they are learning. The message in book one was to promote handwashing and the message in the second book is all about safety at school, particularly for those children who are prone
to a clumsy moment.


Chris’s boys Seb and Alexander have never engaged with any of the books that Chris has written on First Aid or Health and Safety because for a child (and let’s be honest for a number of adults) they are very boring.


This inspired Chris to set himself the challenge to write a range
of books that
 the 2 boys and friends would find fun and engaging, while unknowingly providing knowledge that will help to keep themselves and others safe.

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